A Haven of Learning Amidst Nature's Splendor Nestled in the picturesque village of Veer Bhoomi Kheri-Talwana, SD Branch Kheri-Talwana is conveniently located on the Kheri to Agihar road. This serene setting, surrounded by lush greenery, provides an ideal environment for students to learn, grow, and thrive.
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 I am writing to you today to share some exciting updates about the educational opportunities we offer at SD School. We believe that the current educational landscape demands a shift towards skill-based learning, and at SD School, we are committed to nurturing each student's unique potential. For the upcoming 2025-26 academic year, we have finalized a cutting-edge curriculum aligned with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 and the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2023. This curriculum is designed to equip our students with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the 21st century. In addition to our enhanced curriculum, we are thrilled to announce the launch of specialized preparatory courses: * Pre-Foundation Course (Grades 5-8): This course will lay a strong foundation for higher education and competitive exams. * Foundation Course (Grades 9-11): This course will provide focused preparation for NEET, IIT, CUET, and other government job entrance exams. We believe these initiatives will empower our students to achieve their academic goals and pursue successful careers. We are confident that SD School provides a nurturing and stimulating environment where students can learn, grow, and excel. We look forward to partnering with you in your child's educational journey. Sincerely, Narender Yadav SD Kheri -Talwana
2024 01
Admission Open for Session 2025-26
Computer Lab
All the students of the school participated in the events and showed their creative ideas. They made working science models, designs, paintings,...
In the contemporary era of striving for excellence in every domain of life success is synonym with grit, perseverance and faith in oneself....
Science Lab
All the students of the school participated in the events and showed their creative ideas. They made working science models, designs, paintings...
Based on the admission test and other criteria, the school reserves the right admit students who are found fit for admission...
Teaching Is One Of The Best Profession Of The World. It Is My Pleasure That I Am A Teacher Of The RR Green Max School That Stands For Its Excellence And Quality Education. I Am A Learner As Well As A Teacher Because, You Know, One Who Dares To Teach Must Never Cease To Learn. I Am Learning Not Only From My Seniors And Colleagues But Also From My Students And Parents, Through Continuous Interaction